Shibai Award Goes to Syngenta, DOW, Pioneer, BASF and HCIA for Suing the People of Kauai

Award goes to Syngenta, Dow, Pioneer, BASF and HCIA re: Suit against Kauai!

Kaua'i GMO: Secrets and Lies

Yesterday Syngenta and friends filed in federal court an action against the County of Kauai to block implementation of Bill 2491 designed to create safe buffer zones of only a few hundred feet from spraying toxic pesticides near schools, hospitals and home, and disclosure to know what they are spraying so the people who are sprayed (such as schoolchildren) can get medical attention quickly or chose to leave the area on spray days.

It looks like the “good neighbor policy” and “volunteer disclosure” was a short lived shibai.

They must truly fear the truth that full disclosure of their pesticide use on Kauai will bring. What is it they are trying to HIDE? They must NOT want the people of Kauai to know what they are REALLY spraying on our children.

We ask for the simple ‘good neighbor’ action of not spraying toxic chemicals next to our children in schools…

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About Huntress of Justice

Aloha, I am an Environmental refugee from Hawaii. I lived on Kauai from 2008 through 2013 when I evacuated due to the poisoning by Biotech companies conducting chemical experiments upon the people of Kauai. I now live on the Pacific Shores of Turtle Island advocating for a better environment for my grandchildren and unto the seven generations. I am Scottish, Irish, English, Danish, and Cherokee, connecting with my Scottish and Cherokee ancestors most strongly. I earned my degrees in Native American Studies and Environmental Psychology, worked in the law for over twenty years as a Paralegal, and previously clerked for the Vermont Supreme Court. Water is Life!

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